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Celebrate CO2!

We're excited to invite you to a breakfast presentation featuring the Sensible Environmentalist – Dr. Patrick Moore. Although he is a co-founder of Greenpeace and was their Canadian President for 9 years, he has broken from the group with a fascinating theory that the world in fact needs MORE CO2, not LESS…and he has the data to support it.

Dr. Moore asserts that there is no scientific proof that humans are responsible for any of the slight warming of the Earth that has occurred during the past 300 years. The climate has warmed and cooled in cycles that have nothing to do with humans. CO2 is the main food for all life on Earth, and plants want more of it, not less. If CO2 was not present in the atmosphere this would be a dead planet! 

Click here to read his full bio and be sure to click on the link to rsvp for an event that will be controversial but fascinating, we assure you.


Calgary Petroleum Club
319 5 Ave SW, Calgary AB

October 27, 2015
7-9 am 

7:00-7:30   Registration
7:30-8:00   Breakfast    
8:00-9:00   Presentation

Cost: $45.00 + tax
per person

Les Gombik 
Managing Partner
+1 403 265 8780 



Sean McLean 
Managing Partner
+1 403 537 5677 


Drew Railton
Managing Partner
+1 604 629 7149 Vancouver
+1 403 265 8780 Calgary 


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Our address is 520 Fifth Avenue, S.W., Suite 2000 | Calgary, AB | T2P 3R7 | Canada

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